Quality analysis was investigated for the extracted active ingredients and results showed that the extractants were determined to be from Platycladus orientalis. 同时对提取物有效成分进行了定性检测,结果表明侧柏叶提取物确实为黄酮类化合物。
Relationships between meteorological factors and leaf water potential of Platycladus orientalis and Robinia pseudoacacia under different water regimes were studied. 探讨了不同供水条件下气象因素对侧柏和刺槐叶水势的影响以及它们的定量关系。
The Effective Components Extraction and Antifungal Test for the Heartwood of Platycladus orientalis 侧柏心材活性成分的提取及其抑菌性能
The Effect of Drought Stress on Some Physiological Characters of Platycladus orientalis 干旱胁迫对侧柏幼树某些生理特性的影响
Study on Soil Permeability of Platycladus orientalis Plantation in Northern Mountains of Lanzhou City 兰州北山人工侧柏林地土壤渗透性研究
Influence of tending on biodiversity of shrub and herbage in Platycladus orientalis recreational forest in Beijing lower mountainous area 抚育对北京低山侧柏游憩林灌草生物多样性的影响
Aqueous Extract from Platycladus orientalis Fallen Foliage and Its Effects on Seed Germination and Seedling Growth 侧柏落叶浸提液对自身种子发芽和幼苗生长的影响
Characteristics of Photosynthesis and Water Use Efficiency of Robinia pseudoacacia and Platycladus orientalis Seedlings under Sufficient Soil Moisture 充分供水下刺槐和侧柏苗木光合特性及水分利用效率的研究
Determination of Quercitroside and Quercetin in Different Preparations of Cacumen Platycladi by RP-HPLC Effects on Activities of Defensive Enzymes and MDA Content in Leaves of Platycladus orientalis under Naturally Decreasing Temperature 侧柏叶不同炮制品中槲皮苷与槲皮素的含量测定自然降温对侧柏叶抗氧化物酶活性及MDA含量的影响
Relation of Quality of Platycladus orientalis Seedling to Planting Density 侧柏育苗密度与苗木质量的关系研究
Soil Respiration Variation of Platycladus Orientalis Plantation and Its Affecting Factors 侧柏人工林地土壤呼吸及其影响因子的研究
The results of the inspection showed that the healthy level of Platycladus orientalis plantation which implemented the forest health management measures was obviously im-proved. 监测结果显示,实施森林健康经营技术措施的侧柏人工林的健康水平得到了明显改善。
Analysis on Sap Flow Time Lag Effect of Platycladus orientalis in Spring 春季侧柏树干边材液流的滞后效应分析
Platycladus orientalis, Acer truncatum and Robinia pseudoacacia have a better adaptation by use of the seed-bases. 从树种选择的试验中看出,侧柏、元宝枫和刺槐对种基盘造林的适宜性更强。
Effects on Activities of Defensive Enzymes and MDA Content in Leaves of Platycladus orientalis under Naturally Decreasing Temperature 自然降温对侧柏叶抗氧化物酶活性及MDA含量的影响
Theory and Practicing of Ecological Reconstruction by Container Seedlings Afforestation in the Arid-stony Mountainous Area of Taihangshan; Study on Forestation with Container Seedlings of Diospyros lotus and Platycladus orientalis in Barren Mountains During the Rainy Season 容器苗造林在太行山干石山区林业生态环境建设中的理论与实践
Compared with Ulmus pumila, Platycladus orientalis showed stronger adjustability in the semi-arid area of Loess Plateau. 在黄土半干旱区侧柏具有比白榆更强的适应能力。
Model of Crown Composite Index and Health Appraisal of Pinus tabulaeformis and Platycladus orientalis Plantations 油松、侧柏树冠复合指标模型的建立及其对林分健康性的评价
Behavioral tests revealed that Semanotus bifasciatus was easy to be attracted to its host trees species, Platycladus orientalis. 行为试验发现侧柏饵木对双条杉天牛有很强的引诱作用。
Effects of Cutting Roots on the Root Architecture of Platycladus Orientalis Seedlings; 通过分层挖掘法,研究了膜下滴灌棉花根系构型对水氮的响应。
Study on Extraction Technique and Antibacterial Activity for Essential Oil from Platycladus Orientalis 侧柏叶挥发油提取工艺及其抑菌活性研究
The Fundamental Researches of Platycladus Orientalis Pure Stand in Xuzhou Was Reformed to Ecological Landscape Forest 徐州侧柏纯林诱导为生态风景林的基础研究
The forest landscape is artificial platycladus orientalis forest in Yunlong Mountain in Xuzhou City. 徐州市云龙山景观以单一的侧柏纯林为主。
Stand Density of Planted Scenic Forest Pinus Tabulaeformis and Platycladus Orientalis in Beijing Mountain Area 北京山区油松侧柏人工风景林林分密度确定
Edaphon and Function Intensity of Ancient Platycladus Orientalis and Roadside Trees Gingko Biloba Setting up in the Soil Research The street is overarched by ginkgoes. 古侧柏与行道树银杏立地土壤微生物及作用强度研究那条街道给拱形的银杏树遮盖着。
Primary Study on Biomass of Platycladus orientalis Plantation at Different Age Stands in the Songshan Mountains National Forest Park 嵩山国家森林公园不同年龄侧柏人工林生物量初步研究
The thermal balance of Pinus tabulaeformis and Platycladus orientalis plantation was studied according to the energy balance principle. 应用热量平衡原理,探讨了陕西淳化县油松及侧柏人工幼林的热量平衡规律。
Study on Suitable Irrigation Norms of Pinus tabulaeformis and Platycladus orientalis Plantation 油松和侧柏人工林适宜灌溉定额的研究
In this paper, a 44 year old mixed plantation of two tree species ( Pinus tabulaeformis and Platycladus orientalis) was compared with competition free pure stands for their biomass production and nutrient ( N, P and K) uptake using this new technique. 应用该方法对北京西山地区的44年生人工混交林中油松和侧柏树种间生长和营养(N,P和K)吸收状况进行了比较和分析。